Aejaz ul Quran

The website will help users to view The Quran in different forms like Surah by Surah, Juz by Juz or Ayah by Ayah. For every ayah of The Quran you can see Urdu and English Translations. The search section will help users to search Quran in Urdu, English or Arabic.

The search feature will try to find the keyword in Urdu, English and Arabic database. The user can easily search a relevant ayah by trying few keywords.

User can see full list of Quran's surah and Quran's Juz. User can recite surah by surah or juz by juz.

The download section will help users download complete Quran Surah by Surah or Juz by Juz. The download section also contains different Dua and other islam related content.

  • Noor-e-Hoda Font
  • Khat-e-Usmani Font
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Font Awesome Icons

Project Shots

Clients Testimonial

I am happy with the work of InnoIncept team. The team has done an amazing work of managing two different arabic font on the same website. The new responsive design has given a nice look to my website. I am always looking forward to work with InnoIncept team. Thanks

Muhammad Habib